MySocial 24×7 – An Awesomesauce FriendFeed App

mysocial Finally, a Friendfeed app that does it all, except auto refresh!

MySocial 24×7 is a Firefox sidebar extension for Friendfeed. I’m one of those strict Firefox users that does not install too many plugins due to Firefox’s high memory usage problems. However, MySocial just feels so lightweight that I’m not worried about it running in my sidebar, an echoed sentiment of Frederic in his review of the app (The Best FriendFeed App Lives in the Browser). Here’s a closer look at MySocial 24×7.

mysocial_ssMySocial’s Great User Interface (UI)

The UI is very clean, straightforward, and uncluttered. It’s not exactly a minimalist’s dream due to all the services that Friendfeed integrates, but it’s as close as you can get. Every feature is available right from the start and the layout is well organized and executed nicely. My only complaint would to shrink the logout and share buttons. I don’t understand why they’re that big in the first place when you’re only going to play with them every once in a blue moon.


The one thing I’ve wished for in other Friendfeed clients and have only seen in bTittleTattle, is filtering of services. MySocial does a great job of filtering services and all of the options are conveniently laid out next to one another.

Another cool filtering technique is to filter by friends. This is great for those who like to check up on certain friends in particular rather than going through the entire crowd. I’m not sure how the friends list is organized, but I wish it were alphabetized.

If you see a Twitter item, you have the option of replying to Friendfeed or also replying to Twitter, just like on the Friendfeed homepage! Liking and commenting on an item was a breeze and both actions immediately show up in MySocial. Also, you can move smoothly back and forth between old and new items and a refresh button is located at the bottom since the app does not automagically refresh.

In conjunction, small updates pop up when a new item has been posted to Friendfeed. I actually happen to like this approach better than automatically refreshing the application. This is cooler for me because I may not always have time to look over every time the app is refreshed. It decreases the distraction level and makes me feel as if I don’t have to worry about the new items. MySocial has it all under control! Oooh yeah!

Awesomesauce Approved!

awesomesauceapprovedI think it will be hard for users not to love MySocial 24×7. It just runs so smooth as if it were a brand new engine or well oiled machine. There are a great number of features that the community has been screaming for in clients such as Alert Thingy and Twhirl, and most, if not all, are all right there in MySocial right out of the box. Of course there are some bugs and kinks to work out, but I’d say it’s an pretty solid product and definitely gets the awesomesauce approval badge!

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on

7 thoughts on “MySocial 24×7 – An Awesomesauce FriendFeed App”

  1. I'm def not going to use Twhirl's FF window anymore – this is great!

  2. does it sort them up to the top when something new appears? I am quite happy with filter by service and sticky searches :)

  3. MySocial is great, I've dumped twirl's FF app for this. The only downer is that middle mouse click on items doesn't open a new tab, you need to ctrl-click. But I'm just digging for a complaint here, it's great

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