Incredibly Unique Twitter Projects II

  Twitter is one of the greatest web services to hit the web since…[insert your favorite website here]. Last month, I gave you 3 incredibly unique Twitter projects to check out. Today, I’m giving you a few more! Some of the twitter projects you’ll see may already be well known. Nevertheless, here’s more of the best of Twitter!

The Twitter Song

musicnotes Alana Taylor, a NYU journalism major, released a Youtube video of her singing The Twitter Song today that I absolutely love! It’s an ode to Twitter and trashes popular social network Facebook in such a sweet way. Twitter needs to make this their official theme song.


twitterfeed Everything is about RSS feeds these days. They can be so convenient! So why not share the updates of your feeds on Twitter? With over 20,000+ feeds already been published, Twitterfeed does its job and does it well. It’s interface is clean and simple and it only takes a minute or two to get your feeds added. Let it be noted that previously published items will not be sent to your Twitter account.


Looking for a great way to see your Twitter stats? TweetStats is an easy way to find them. All you need to do is enter your username and let TweetStats work its magic, though it could take a while. TweetStats shows your tweets per hour, per month, daily, who you’re replying to the most, and your most used way for tweeting (i.e. client, web). Take a look at my daily and hourly aggregation below. Yeah, I’m addicted to Twitter, even at 4 a.m. and especially on Thursdays. Don’t ask why.



Overheard.It On Twitter

I’ve already guest posted "I On Twitter Web Service" on Sarah in Tampa. However, here’s a preview of what the service is about.

A Sidebar Creative web service, gives you a space to post what you may have overheard somewhere and you’d like the world to know about. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be something you overheard directly on Twitter! Getting on the homepage of is pretty simple and easy to do in 3 steps:

  1. Have a public (unprotected) Twitter account (don’t you always?)
  2. Follow @overheard
  3. Start a twitter message (tweet) with "OH:" or "overheard"

Head over to the article for more info!


Also don’t forget to check out Gridjit: a visual portal web app, CrowdStatus: a web app to create "crowds" on Twitter,, and Twubble: a web app to find more people on Twitter, which have all been fortunate enough to get their own posts here on SheGeeks. Stay tuned for more and you’re more than welcome to notify me of any unique twitter tools that you use!

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on