Why I Blogged About Kodak Without A Pitch

kodakToday I’m really proud of Kodak. My first encounter with Kodak reps was when I spoke at BlogHer 09. During the SocialLuxe party, Kodak set-up a demo table and the reps showed so much enthusiasm, not to mention some very neat products to everyone in attendance. They left no question unanswered and were quite open to suggestions that I offered. I left with a really good impression about the company and their products.

Share The Wealth (of Social Media)

Today, Kyle Lacy shared Kodak’s Social Media Tips PDF. I’m glad he did. It’s a 16-page file full of social media stats, strategies tips, and examples used by Kodak for their social media marketing strategy. What I love the most is that Kodak released it to the public. Most companies wouldn’t. Despite one of the core goals of social media being sharing, most businesses seem afraid to share their tips with others. It’s kind of sneaky and shows great signs of fear. What they fail to realize is that no one can take their success or duplicate their work efforts. They can try, but others will eventually tweak the strategy to fit them, making it their own in many ways or finding one better suited for their business.

Kodak Social Media Tips

Rewards For Sharing Social Media Tips

Furthermore, you’re better rewarded by the communities your active in and your peers for sharing social media findings. People love to hear success stories, but what they love even more is being able to apply some of those strategies to gain their own successes. Kodak didn’t release a detailed strategy out their for the world of what they’re doing behind the scenes. No, they published the foundation and basics that every company should know and apply to their social media strategy. They even provide some great tips on what you should measure for social media ROI, alongside tips on creating effective social media policies.

It’s a good read that I’m happy to take the time out to share. These tips aren’t limited to just businesses either. Anyone trying to use social media can apply them. However, I really want to hear your thoughts on their tips and some of your own:


Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on SheGeeks.net.